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Bring your life and work to the same table in a consult group with other therapists facilitated by Deb Montgomery.

The personhood of the therapist and the relationship that is formed between him or her with a client is reportedly the winning ingredient for those who find therapy successful. Often though, the work of being a psychotherapist is isolating. We navigate relationships at home in our families, with our kids, our partners, while trying to sustain our creativity and spiritual and emotional health. We do this in context of a changing and ever more uncertain world. Having the company of other therapists to talk about the interplay of life and work can be wonderfully healing and holding.

Deb Montgomery on Life Consult Groups for Psychotherapists

WHY join a Life Consult Group for Therapists?


  • Find a space to talk about our lives and what it feels like to be in a helping/healing job while doing life as parents, partners, teachers, artists, etc.

  • Gain a more robust picture of relationships, vocation, creativity, and longing through connection in a group of like-minded individuals with different perspectives.

  • Be energized and supported in your work through consulting about clients.

  • Receive and offer support with the ups and downs of all aspects of this work (including clients leaving, choosing your limits, and managing money and fees).

WHEN            Weekly meetings TBD
Rotating start dates and group theme 

                               next session begins April 21, 2023


WHO              Practicing Therapists/Counselors


WHERE         Zoom video (link emailed prior to first session)


REGISTER     By getting in touch with Deb

What previous group members have to say:

As a therapist in my own office it can be isolating work at times. I have deeply appreciated the community, companionship, and consultation this group has provided. My practice and the care I offer clients has only improved knowing I am not in it alone. I think a consult group is a must for all of us in this profession, and I cannot recommend this group enough.

The people in this group have become my colleagues—providing support and understanding in the midst of an often lonely profession. But they have also become dear friends, tracking me from week to week, knowing me beyond my work, and rooting for me—making my life and work so much richer. I highly recommend it!

I am so grateful for the Therapist Life Consult Group. I feel meaningfully known, tracked, and held by Deb and the other group members, and the consistency of the group mind has been powerful for me. It's a relief to have their kind company in the often wibbly-wobbly, sometimes isolating, pretty much always messy mix of the personal, relational, and technical work of being a therapist, not to mention as a business owner in private practice and the other work we each do in the world.

As a therapist in private practice, I go to my office, I see clients, maybe I see a colleague or two in the kitchen. It can be lonely. Having the group to text and touch base with throughout the week feels like having virtual but very real colleagues to ‘go to work with.’ It’s a game changer.

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