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Moving from Here to There

About Wole Life Coaching.

It’s an amazing thing that our lives invite us over and over again to change

and move through shifting terrains literally, emotionally and spiritually.


It’s so easy to get stuck in our heads, our habits, our go to comforts, and even our limited beliefs about Love and Creativity. It can be hard to think or feel our way through a transition, desire, or dream let alone take the steps needed to move forward.

I derive great joy from inviting someone to reimagine their life, their relationships, their calling, and their relationship to God or Love. I also love to hit the nail on the head of what is going on with someone!


Life Coaching is a simple though powerful way to explore an area of your life, and make the changes you need to move from here to there.

About Me.

Deb Montgomery
Certified Life Coach

Certified Life Coach Institute

Deb divides her time between working with people as a Life Coach, writing, and offering concerts as a singer-songwriter. Her concerts have been said to give people soul company with universal themes of struggle, loss, joy and redemption.

She has been writing and playing music for thirty years. She uses writing as a way through, a way under, a way over, a way around and way. She is passionate about how people have been harmed by those who told them that God did not love or accept them for any reason. She loves to write, talk, sing, or Coach people toward a different experience.

Her life experience includes facilitation of Life Consult Groups for Psychotherapists (State of Washington), first year graduate student Instruction at The Seattle School for Theology and Psychology, and completion of the Playing Big Facilitators Training (Tara Mohr). She received her Professional Life Coach Certificate from ICF accredited Certified Life Coach Institute.

When she is not working with people she loves writing, playing music, running with her dogs, Dragon Boat Racing, a good road trip, and being on or beside the Sea.






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